The history of the wig

Wigs have been worn for thousands of years for a variety of reasons, including to symbolize social status, to conceal baldness and as a form of self-expression. Here's a brief overview of the history of wigs:

Ancient Egypt:
Wigs were first documented in ancient Egypt, where they were worn by both men and women as a status symbol. Wealthy Egyptians wore wigs made of human hair, while those who couldn't afford to buy wigs made of human hair wore wigs made of plant fibers.

Ancient Greece and Rome:
Wigs became popular in ancient Greece and Rome, where they were worn by actors to help them portray different characters. Eventually, wigs became a fashion accessory for wealthy citizens, and were often made from human hair.

16th and 17th centuries:
During the Renaissance, wigs became fashionable among men and women in Europe. Wigs were used to cover baldness caused by syphilis, a sexually transmitted disease that was rampant at the time. Wigs were also used to protect the wearer's hair from lice and other parasites.

18th century:
In the 18th century, wigs became a status symbol among European aristocrats. They were often elaborately decorated with feathers, jewels and other ornaments. Wigs were also worn by judges, lawyers and other professionals as a symbol of their status and authority.

19th century:
In the 19th century, wigs went out of fashion and were mainly worn by actors and theater people. However, wigs remained popular among wealthy women who wanted to create elaborate hairstyles impossible to achieve with their own hair.

20th century:
In the 20th century, wigs became popular again, especially among women who wanted to change their hairstyle frequently without damaging their hair. Today, wigs are still worn for a variety of reasons, including fashion, entertainment and as a solution to hair loss due to medical conditions or chemotherapy.